The new Research Portal replaces ToetsingOnline. During the transition files have been migrated from ToetsingOnline to the Research Portal. When creating an account in the Research Portal, you can enter the e-mailadres attached to your account in ToetsingOnline in order to link your ToetsingOnline files to your Research Portal account automatically. But please note these important notices:
In ToetsingOnline often shared user accounts were used, e.g.:
- Multiple user accounts with the same email address attached
- Shared accounts, e.g.
These possibilities no longer exist in the Research Portal. Every user creates an individual account with a single email address and logs in with the corresponding two factor authentication.
How do you and your collegues access your files in the Research Portal?
For every migrated file, user one indicates who should have access to it, using the user code from the Research Portal (manual H3).
- Every user in your organisation creates an individual user account in the Research Portal (manual H1).
- the first user of your organisation to create an account enters the email address that was linked to his or her ToetsingOnline account (manual H2).
- the other users also create user accounts and share their user codes with user one (the user code may be found in the user profile).
- User one automatically gets access to the migrated files that correspond with the email address used in ToetsingOnline.
- For every migrated file user one indicates who should have access to it, using the user codes from the Research Portal (manual H3).
If you follow these steps the transition to the Research Portal should run smoothly. The manuals on this page offer a step by step explanation of the way to go about managing access.
For communication regarding research files in the Research Portal, the section Administrative of the ABR-form offers the possibility to enter two email addresses: one of the contact person an optional email address for cc. Both of these may be shared addresses, ensuring that messages do reach more than one single person.