Research Portal

This part of the website provides information on the Research Portal, an internet portal for registering, submitting and managing medical research. The Research Portal replaces ToetsingOnline, which is now only available for completing ongoing procedures. In the course of 2025 ToetsingOnline will go offline. In the meantime access to the system is limited to reading only.

Important! Do you have files in ToetsingOnline or NTR, or files falling under the DCRF review framework? In that case, please carefully read the manual for linking files to your account in the Research Portal prior to creating an account in the Research Portal.


Via the Research Portal studies can be submitted to the review committee. The scope of the portal is all medical research that falls under the Dutch WMO Act (Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act), Embryowet (Embryo Act), MDR (Medical Device Regulation), IVDR (In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation), 
national non-interventional PASS studies at the request of the MEB-CBG, as well as the DCRF's non-WMO review framework (non-WMO research initiated and/or sponsored by pharmaceutical companies).

Important! When submitting studies for review the ABR form in the Research Portal all (digital) documents should be submitted simultaneously. This is essentially different from the procedure in ToetsingOnline, where corresponding documents had to be submitted separately. Learn more about submitting documents in the Research Portal in manual H6. Adding documents

Other non-WMO research can be registered through this portal. This registration is not mandatory.


After having been processed in the Research Portal, both WMO-studies and non-WMO-studies will be automatically published in the Overview of Medical Research in the Netherlands (OMON) and the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (for short: ICTRP) of the World Health Organization. With a publication in this overview,  the requirements for publication in scientific journals are met. This means that registration in other acknowledged registers is no longer required.