MREC Academic Hospital Maastricht / University Maastricht

Contact details

P.O. box 5800
6202 AZ Maastricht
The Netherlands
+31 43 387 6009

Sphere of action

The MREC azM/UM reviews proposed WMO (Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act) research organised by the Maastricht University Medical Centre (azM), Maastricht University or one of its affiliated institutions and/or performed by the azM and/or Maastricht University and that will be carried out wholly or partially in, or with the cooperation of (employees of):

  • Maastricht UMC+: the Maastricht University Medical Centre (azM) and/or the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML/UM).
  • Maastricht University where it concerns the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN/UM), except in the case of research that, in accordance with Section 2, paragraph 2, under b of the WMO, has to be reviewed in the first instance by the CCMO.
  • Insofar as the committee has made agreements on the matter in consultation with Board of Directors, the committee can take a similar approach to proposed WMO research organised and/or performed by another institution involved in healthcare in the Netherlands.
  • In the case of multicentre research whereby the committee acts as the assessing MREC, the circle of institutions for which the committee reviews proposed WMO research will be extended to all participating centres in the Netherlands.


Please note! From 31 January 2022, national rates are set to the assessment of research with a medicinal product (CTR) and clinical research with a medical device (MDR article 62/74.2).

Submitted by Monocenter study Multicenter study Amendment
Local investigator
  • first and second cash flow:
    € 0
  • third cash flow:
    € 2,000 or € 2,500
  • first and second cash flow:
    € 0
  • third cash flow:
    € 2,500 up to € 4,000
  • first and second cash flow:
    € 0*
  • third cash flow:
    € 500*
Industry € 2,000 or € 2,500 € 2,500 up to € 4,000 € 500*
External (other) € 2,000 or € 2,500 € 2,500 up to € 4,000 € 500*

* This is an annual fee, regardless of the number of substantial/substantive amendments to be submitted.

Committee members

Name WMO discipline member / deputy Room Profession
Amelsvoort, dr ir L van methodologist deputy university teacher
Bastiaenen, mw dr CHG methodologist member II epidemiologist B
Bongers, mw mr LMH lawyer deputy II academic investigator / teacher health law
Bours, dr MJL methodologist member associate professor
Croes, dr S hospital pharmacist member I hospital pharmacist
Dompeling, prof dr E pediatrician deputy I/II pediatrician
Gemert, prof dr WG van physician member pediatric surgeon
Geurts, mw dr ir SME methodologist deputy epidemiologist
Gietema, mw dr HA physician member I radiologist
Gommer, dr ED medical device expert member I/II clinical physicist
Gorissen, mw mr J lawyer member I lawyer
Heilhof, mw mr N layer member II lawyer
Horstkötter, mw dr D ethicist member I philosopher / ethicist
Janssen, dr PKC clinical pharmacologist / hospital pharmacist member II clinical pharmacologist / hospital pharmacist
Jöbsis, dr Q physician / pediatrician member II pediatrician
Joris, dr PJ none deputy university professor
Kuijk, dr SMJ van methodologist member I/II clinical epidemiologist / methodologist
Knibbe, mw dr M ethicist deputy teacher
Laar, dr EFJ van de ethicist member II clinical ethicist
Leentjens, prof dr AFG physician member I professor of neuropsychiatry
Leunissen, mw J assessor specifically from the perspective of the human subject deputy Social domain policy officer
Masclee, prof dr AAM physician (chairman) member I gastroenterologist
Oude Wansink, drs MJ assessor specifically from the perspective of the human subject member II entrepreneur
Pasman-de Roo, mw drs KIH assessor specifically from the perspective of the human subject member I coach / trainer
Paulussen-Bosman, mw KJ assessor specifically from the perspective of the human subject member
Schnerr, dr R medical device expert member clinical physicist
Schouten, prof dr HC physician (vice-chair a.i.) member II emeritus professor of internal medicine, particulary hematology

Talma, mw mr R

lawyer deputy I lawyer
Thijs, dr C methodologist member I epidemiologist / physician society and health n.p.
Vanmolkot, dr FHM clinical pharmacologist member I internist / clinical pharmacologist
Vermeeren, mw dr A none member II assistant professor psychology and neurosciences
Wong, dr DR clinical pharmacologist / hospital farmacist deputy clinical pharmacologist / hospital farmacist