
80 publications

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  1. Sample ABR form Research Portal

    This example contains the questions from the ABR within the Research Portal for Research falling under the Medical Research ...

    Form | 02-09-2024

  2. Template briefing book Pilot Scientific Advice CCMO

    Form | 05-08-2024

  3. C1. Template research protocol

    Form | 09-04-2024

  4. Application form Pilot Scientific Advice CCMO

    Form | 19-03-2024

  5. Template invoice details

    Publication | 15-02-2024

  6. D2. IMDD-IVD template

    Form | 15-09-2023

  7. E1/E2. Template Subject Information Sheet Children up to 12 Years of Age (English)

    Form | 17-08-2023

  8. E1/E2. Template Subject Information Sheet Children 12 - 16 Years of Age (English)

    Form | 17-08-2023

  9. Instruction sheet for Site Suitability Declaration (VGO)

    Publication | 23-02-2023

  10. B1a. Eudamed-formulier

    Here you can download the latest version of the Eudamed form. Please use Appendix A to declare an additional IVD and Appendix B ...

    Form | 10-01-2023