
99 publications

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  1. Review of a clinical investigation with a medical device – guidance document for MRECs

    Publication | 17-05-2021

  2. Explanatory note to flowchart to determine which MDR article is applicable to the clinical investigation

    Publication | 17-05-2021

  3. Appendix F. MDR and WMO relevant texts for assessment

    Publicatie | 03-05-2021

  4. Flow chart Adverse events in research with medical devices

    Publication | 24-04-2021

  5. B1a. Eudamed form

    Below you can download the Eudamed form. Please use Appendix A to declare an additional medical device. Please use Appendix B to ...

    Form | 21-04-2021

  6. Recommendations for the conduct of clinical research at the time of restrictive measures due to the coronavirus

    Publication | 23-02-2021

  7. D2. IMDD-MDR template

    Form | 14-12-2020

  8. Template Clinical Trial Agreement for investigator-initiated research for use with VGO

    Form | 30-11-2020

  9. Template Clinical Trial Agreement for industry-sponsored research for use with VGO

    Form | 30-11-2020

  10. Flowchart Adverse events research with a medical device

    Publication | 06-10-2020