Template Form ABR Research Portal
This example showcases the questions for the ABR form from the Research Portal for studies subject to the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO), Embryo’s Act, MDR, or IVDR. For non-WMO studies, the form is largely similar, but there may be slight differences in detail. The answers to questions highlighted in blue will be published in the Overview of Medical-Scientific Research in the Netherlands (OMON).
Please note that minor changes to this form in the Research Portal may still occur.
Mandatory fields are marked with an *.
Important: This form is only a sample template of the questionnaire that must be completed online. It cannot be filled out or submitted in this format.
Important: When submitting studies for review, the ABR form in the Research Portal all (digital) documents should be submitted simultaneously. Learn more about adding documents in the Research Portal in the manual H6. Adding documents.