B1. ABR form

The ABR form is the General Assessment and Registration form. You are required to complete the ABR form  in ToetsingOnline.

Please note! When finalising the ABR form you are required to select either an accredited MREC or CCMO to submit your file to. In the case of IVD performance studies falling under article 58 or 70.2 of the IVDR, the study must be submitted to CCMO for validation. After a positive validation decision, CCMO forwards your file to the review committee (accredited MREC or CCMO) which you have indicated as your preference in the cover letter. If you have not indicated a preference, CCMO determines which review committee will assess your clinical investigation. CCMO transfers the ABR form in ToetsingOnline to this review committee. In all other cases you may submit the file directly to the review committee that you have selected in the ABR form.

Please note! In case of an IVDR performance study you must fill in question C17 regarding the details and classification of the IVD.

Please note! It is not required to modify the blocked questions at C17a for studies with a positive decision before May 26, 2022.

An example of an ABR form is available.