Overview of Medical Research in the Netherlands (OMON)

The Overview of Medical Research in the Netherlands (OMON), formerly Dutch Trial Register, is a register containing some of the medical research in the Netherlands. Currently, it includes all data from the former National Trial Register (NTR) and the data from ToetsingOnline. In future, OMON will be further developed and the CCMO-register on ToetsingOnline.nl will disappear.

OMON is an official data provider to the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP) of the World Health Organization (WHO). The data as registered in OMON are automatically included in ICTRP and can be consulted on the ICTRP Search Portal. In this way, the investigator meets the requirement of prospective registration set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for publication in scientific journals. Modifications are automatically included in the ICTRP.

If you would like to modify your NTR study data, please consult the page for professionals on onderzoekmetmensen.nl. ToetsingOnline study data can be modified by adapting the ABR form in ToetsingOnline for data included in the ABR by uploading study results in ToetsingOnline or by informing the ethics committee concerned when data such as start- and end-of-study dates are involved.

Currently, it is not possible as yet to register new studies directly in OMON. Therefore, it is necessary to register studies that are not submitted via ToetsingOnline or CTIS, in one of the primary registries in the WHO Registry Network, e.g. ClinicalTrials.gov. The full list of authorised registries can be found at Primary registries in the WHO registry network.